This is an archived copy of a post written by Conflict Of Justice ( Used with permission: Conflict Of Justice may not agree with any alterations made.
To build confidence in God’s priesthood in these latter days. To strengthen the resolve and power of all virtuous men and women in this world to overcome Satan and establish Zion. To preach the gospel of unchanging truth in a modern world in our own language. The untrustworthy and unlasting justice of man is in conflict with God’s justice and atoning mercy. We seek to:
- Expose and counter Antimormon and skeptical media.
- Go on the offensive against disinformation that breaks apart families, disrupts communities, and degrades personal virtue.
- Debunk false narratives that dehumanize and degrade members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Media Literacy
- Explore how social justice spreads in propaganda and influences society.
- Raise media literacy of atheism, anti-Christianity, and associated harmful movement.
- Look for methods of positive movement in media to promote the gospel under today’s hostile circumstances.
- Expose the evil doctrine and destructive consequences of popular philosophies and movements.
- Point out pop culture figures and events that illustrate gospel lessons and fundamental differences between popular ideology and positive gospel standards.
- Discuss holy doctrine and the plan of salvation to both members of the church and non-members.
- Search for positive methods to prevent schools from propagating evil ideology and explain the harm of poor education.
- Refocus all education as beginning in the home.
- Empower the fight against bullying, loss of educational liberty, and loss of intellectual freedom.
Classic Wisdom
- Promote sermons on gospel truths, virtuous living, and social unity.
- Discover truth from history.
- Promote independence, freedom, and the raising of children, on an individual, family, and social level.
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