This is an archived copy of a post written by Conflict Of Justice ( Used with permission: Conflict Of Justice may not agree with any alterations made.

Right now, the online ministering I see consists of motivational one-liners and happy photos of sunsets on the beach. Is that ministering? Well, yes. A little bit of positivity and encouragement goes a long way. But does it change people’s lives? Furthermore, what is the difference between that and anyone else? What do we as disciples of Jesus Christ and bearers of the priesthood have to offer beyond pleasant memes and nice words? I believe we have a lot more to offer–more than we imagine–and that our online ministering could be the means of thrashing the nations and converting millions of souls to Christ. For those who want feel-good motivational messages, there are plenty of televangelists and Verizon commercials; but we as the Church of Jesus Christ offer true life fulfillment. If we were to live our historic role and profound priesthood powers we would give what nobody else could give.
1. Talk To People -We have a tough time adapting to this new technological landscape to missionary work, and most consider it a waste of time. That’s too bad because it’s an immense lost opportunity. I breathe a small sigh of relief when I see a church advertisement appear on Youtube, and I hope these ads reach receptive ears; but the truth is Youtube ads are like a printing out fliers and throwing them into the wind instead of talking to face to face. How much success would a missionary have by just throwing around fliers? As for posting memes on Facebook, how effective would it be if a missionary were to walk around holding a sign with a phone number for free Books of Mormon? It’s more effective than throwing fliers in the wind, but still there is little response. Posting a church meme your Facebook wall is nice–it’s like posting a little billboard for all to see–but it is still nothing compared to using your actual voice. Type a message using your own words and direct it at a specific group or person.
2. Join Faithful Latter-day Saint Communities, But Beware! – When W. W. Phelps saw Satan “ride upon the face of the waters” (HoC 1:203) he may as well have been looking at today’s internet, but it is a spiritual nightmare. Almost every Latter-day Saint space I check out preaches apostasy in some form. Why does it seem this way? Several reasons. Social media is a lot different than walking into a church building. In real life I am quiet, but here I feel comfortable opening up. That is good because it gives people like me who struggle with ministering face to face a way to do missionary work and use our voices. But it is a problem because it illicits behavior that normally would be uncomfortable, and there’s a good reason it normally is uncomfortable. The internet is like a torrent of water that can sweep you off your feet and get you caught up in dubious social causes, nasty contention, and needless bitterness if you open up too much. It’s like you are standing in a rushing river: it’s hard to avoid persuasive currents on social media from carrying you along. So, modern narcissistic complaints that normally someone would feel foolish complaining about become the normal topic of discussion online, and socialistic causes that some student was brainwashed to support is persuasively pushed on the entire community. Secondly, the anonymity allows malicious people to subvert communities using deceit. Imagine if everyone at church on Sunday wore masks over their faces and spoke with voice-changing machines. Would Antimormons try to sneak in to convince people to leave the church? You bet they would. Social media allows such conceit, and fringe voices that normally aren’t paid attention to are amplified to appear as the mainstream voices. This is what we need to be very careful of.
We desperately need a community of the faithful online, to resist the bad currents by being our own river, flowing toward the source of all righteousness. Unfortunately, 90% of what you come across will flow toward somewhere else in Latter-day Saint online activity though they put on airs of being a good “Mormon”, so choose carefully. And I think you’ve got to choose something–you can’t avoid finding a community and try to go it alone–because we are much more effective together. This is a church of community.
3. Say Why You Are Happy – I think my biggest mistake is that I’m negative so much of the time and it makes me look like a grumpy old man. Christians are stereotyped enough as it is as witch-burning angry control freaks; complaining about things all the time feeds this stereotype. The truth is I’m a very happy person. I’m a young man having the time of his life. Life is great. So why don’t I show it? Social media has become like a contest of grievances–who can complain the most and appear most victimized? Entire corporations and governments thrive on accusing people of wrongdoing and soliciting pity to get the upper hand socially. We don’t need to do that, and it doesn’t work when we try to do that. We should instead illustrate the life benefits of living the gospel.
The first wave of internet ministering came in the form of “Mommy bloggers.” Housewives display online diaries of their life raising kids and keeping a family. Millions of people read these women’s blogs and watch these videos because the typical Latter-day Saint family life which was standard in the 1950’s is unusual now, and to them it’s a window into an idealistic life they wish they had. Raising families is hard, and often tough and depressing, but the negative aspects in a way even become desirable–it’s like watching ‘Malcolm in the Middle.’ These online journals have become a powerful missionary tool. Unfortunately, media corporations have picked the small handful of potential apostate Mommy bloggers to amplify and aggrandize. Media corporations always go for the apostate angle because they love to portray the religious woman boldly shedding her naive 1950’s upbringing and discovering a new consciousness. We should always expect the media to twist our ministering against the church. Nevertheless, Mommy bloggers have proved to be the most effective ministers I’ve seen so far, and it’s because they don’t try to fit in to popular culture. The point is the peculiarity of their lives, shown with brutal honesty. Don’t be afraid to share why the things that are different about you make you happy. Don’t be afraid to declare traditional marriage and Christianity the best. Don’t feel like you are judging those who choose a different lifestyle. You can appreciate the ways God blesses you by sharing it with others and hoping they choose it too.
4. Do Not Get Validation Or Attention From Social Media – Because only the general authorities hold keys of priesthood authority for random people on the internet, we cannot use the same rightful authority which missionaries use for their respective mission areas. We therefore need to pay careful attention to the virtues of priesthood power as explained in D&C 121 to ensure we exercise our priesthood correctly and worthily. Like missionaries, we don’t need to try to be salespeople but allow the Spirit to do the convincing. We simply present the gospel and our example. This is something I am grateful for because I am a terrible salesman. I can’t convince people of anything. I think it is a lot more important to prepare personal virtue for internet ministering because the atmosphere is so conducive to priestcraft. Indeed, those vices are the reason most people are there in the first place. Those who are not worthy of the priesthood get the most attention and most validation, and this is as true in Latter-day Saint social media as anywhere else. “Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson— That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness. That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.” (D&C 121:35-37)
See also: | 18 Tips For Defenders Of The Faith |
5. Resist Efforts By Foreign Groups To Define Us – The first advice I always give defenders of the faith is “don’t let them frame the issues.” Too many accept the issue of discussion as presented by Antimormons and run with it, but this is not what I ever see prophets do in the scriptures when contending with apostates. I see the prophets take control of the issue and define things as they really are. The prophet recently did this by introducing the church name policy, which really sent Antimormons into a tizzy because they were so used to defining us using the label “Mormon.” I’m grateful for this policy because it makes it very easy to see who the Antimormons and infiltrators are: those who insist on using the “Mormon” label. Now it’s obvious they are apostates. But the label “Mormon” is just scratching the surface. The devil who rides upon the waters of the internet is very accustomed to setting a fake and negative portrayal of who we are, which permeates everywhere–Wikipedia, Google, Reddit, Twitter, etc. The strawman fallacy is the most pervasive attack being used against us, and it is important to draw the line in the sand and not let it happen at all. Don’t budge an inch. A newspaper being run by a billionaire elitist does not determine who we are or what is going on in “Mormon Land.”
6. Place Politics Downstream – I enjoy politics, but an important lesson I have had to learn is politics and culture is downstream of religion. Many who apostatize do so because they place political ideology first and the gospel does not fit. When people try to bring up political issues in a frame of religious discussion, I no longer take the bait because there is really no reason to. If a person has spiritual doctrine sorted out and has developed faith then all that stuff will take care of itself.
7. Don’t Block To Silence People – The limitlessness of internet ministering is an illusion, however, as firewalls and blocklists prevent access to many places, such as China. Even average American platforms are used to marginalize voices. For example, apparently I am blocked by the Utah Jazz social media director on Twitter for whatever reason. People say I have been placed on blocklists by those who oppose my religious opinions of the church. Blocklists are regularly utilized by those who control culture to bully and belittle,and apparently some powerful people view my free speech as a threat to their narrative. It’s easy for the powerful to marginalize people because media platforms are designed to amplify certain extreme viewpoints to appear popular and normal while others get suppressed. We need to be realistic about the limitations and the negative atmosphere being fostered online and accept that we will be marginalized, because most big organizations consider Latter-day Saints an existential threat. This is why social media communities are overwhelmingly dominated by Antimormonism. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be allowed to block for whatever reason they like, because I do plenty of blocking myself, but it seems blocking is a tactic being utilized to marginalize voices like ours. It can be tempting to utilize the same tactic ourselves and spread blocklists, but this would be a mistake. There are those who take pride in never blocking anyone, but I think this is a mistake as well. Time is precious and there is no reason to get distracted by those who repeat the same thing after you have explained yourself and those who disrupt civil discussion.
8. Give Meek Replies To Ignorant Hate – A good reply can’t be too contentious yet it can’t be apologetic either. Where’s the balance? In the interest of experimentation I have attempted a variety of replies to a variety of opinions about Latter-day Saints. I have found that with people who are sincerely Antimormon it usually doesn’t matter how you reply, to be honest. Our humility is mistaken for weakness and firmness is mistaken for belligerence, so either way we go they continue to hate us. But it is so hard to tell whether a person is hateful or simply not aware of the truth about us, as so much misinformation is spread about us. Plenty of times, someone who seemed bigoted simply was going along with what they’ve been told, and after some friendly replies we could come to a positive discussion. None of us are discerning enough to tell people’s motive from a computer screen, so why not ere on the side of misinformed? When someone comes at you with a sword the natural thing to do is raise your shield or a sword in return, and being in control of our emotions feels much like standing there defenseless instead, relying on faith to save you. It requires the overcoming of this fear. About every 10 seconds it seems like somebody is raving on Twitter about how great the Book of Mormon musical was and how silly those Mormons are. What if dozens of saints were to reply to such tweets with a meek invitation to come with them to church on Sunday and see who we really are? Imagine if that were to happen. I once saw a girl on Twitter who made fun of the Sikh head dress and instead of getting angry about it some Sikhs invited her to come with them to a potluck to find out about their community, and she took them upon the offer. This was a great reaction for them to take because it wasn’t defensive and it wasn’t offensive, but showed a righteous example and gave her a missionary challenge. It got the interaction away from the internet and into a real life interaction where she could witness for herself their community and learn in person. There may be times to be defensive or offensive, but generally this kind of meek yet bold reply is what gets results.
9. Don’t Let Antimormons Demotivate You – Antimormons use all kinds of tactics to demotivate and discredit Latter-day Saints from opening up about who we are. Perhaps the most frequently used is when they tell us that we are doing more harm than good for the church’s image. I get that a lot. Is it true? Absolutely not. Maybe you got emotional and said some nasty words at someone; that happens. Unless you are spreading false doctrine or being a truly awful person, your ministering is doing more good than harm. Being a presence out there is important. Reasonable people understand that we are all only human and the internet does not give an accurate portrayal of a person. Even if someone from the church is acting horribly, you can’t judge an entire group and ideology based on one example. Now, it is important to give other people this benefit of the doubt as well. If a hardcore Catholic is saying horrible things about our church, that doesn’t make Catholicism awful and you don’t necessarily have an accurate portrayal of that person either. The reason Antimormons accuse you of doing more harm than good is to get you to be ashamed of something you are saying. If someone is offended because you simply stated the words of the Family Proclamation, they can be offended and angry, that’s fine, but you are not doing more harm than good by simply stating truth. Remember, with missionary work it’s about the wicked condemning themselves by their reaction to truth as well as the righteous being converted by truth. You are not responsible for someone reacting wickedly to the gospel. It’s their own fault. If you came at someone with an un-Christlike attitude, just try to do better next time. But boldly declaring truth is not un-Christlike.
10. Put Real Life Priorities First – If you don’t use social media for validation or to get attention, chances are you won’t need it in your life. The church made history by declaring the world’s first “social media fast”, and I think that’s important for anyone to do periodically. Take some time off once in a while. Even if the ministering is sincere, it can easily get in the way of real life and you won’t even know it until you see that difference. Make it something you only do in your free time. Do not sacrifice relationships, education, personal improvement, a clean environment, etc. The church urges us to take advantage of online opportunities but also exercise extreme caution. Come Follow Me suggests posting pro-Christian posters on social media for Easter time. Yet Elder Cook in General Conference urged us to make social media “a servant instead of a distraction or worse, a master.” Social media is clearly a dangerous tool that poisons the lives of many. But the potential for ministering can not be overlooked, as one single effective social media campaign could change the lives of millions and be as Ammon among the Lamanites. Now is the time to create goals and develop strategies, but only once your own life strategy is in place first.
11. Safety First – Scammers and doxers routinely victimize people on social media. Learn about their tactics and how to avoid their traps. Careful which links you click on. Block porn bots. Don’t give out any personal information, including photographs. If you do post photos wipe away the metadata first. Careful about giving your name. If you are a woman, be careful about creepers. Be extremely careful about meeting anyone in person. Direct them to local missionaries instead.
12. Use Screenshots Of Unfriendlies – When confronting someone it is good to be meek, but there are times to go on the offensive, and that is in cases of falsehoods and apostasy. Nonmembers who try to unfairly define us or in other ways hinder the gospel need pushback. Now, when it comes to fellow members of the church, or rather those who claim to be members, my advice is to try to avoid “tone policing.” The only time a fellow member should be opposed is if there is:
- Apostasy. This means direct and willful opposition to doctrine and official policy. It does not mean someone is being mean. If you believe someone is apostate you better have very good evidence.
- Untrue doctrine or information about the church. This is about established facts, not opinions or feelings.
- Totally un-Christlike behavior. This means seriously unreasonable displays of hatred and other poor behavior that grows worse over time. It is not necessarily the case when someone is feeling offended. It is not the case when someone said something racist 30 years ago that they now regret.
- Domineering church membership for their own non-gospel agenda. This is when they put down individuals or classes of members in order to prop themselves up, or they posture themselves as leaders and seek to control others.
You’ll notice that I often share screenshots and archived webpages of newspapers or random nonmembers spreading some Antimormon narrative. I like to use screenshots and archives in cases where there’s a change the person might alter their words to cover it up. On Twitter, I use screenshots (if I have time to take one) because merely quoting someone allows them to block you and then their quote does not appear for people to see. Also, take care that you aren’t inadvertently spreading that unfriendly person’s message and making them more popular by quoting them. What you have to say about it needs to be the focal point of your message, and it had better be a stronger message than the unfriendly message you are quoting.
13. Build Up Momentum, Don’t Be Stagnant – In my previous article about online ministering I introduced the idea of being like water–collecting as a single body of missionaries and flowing effortlessly. The lost look toward a river to float them to safety, and then we can deliver them to the source of righteousness if we are pointed in the right direction. A river is only as useful as the momentum of the flowing water. When I was in Boy Scouts, I canoed on a 100 mile trip, and one evening after a long hard day of paddling we finally approached our campsite, but the wind was blowing against us and because the water was still it pushed as backward. It took hours for us to fight the wind and finally arrive because the water current was not there. Likewise, if we are to be the stone falling from the mountain created by no hands we need to keep the movement going or we will get pushed backwards. Water flows if there is lower ground for it to flow toward, and likewise we need to always have high moral ground. Antimormons and media corporations always try to discredit us by taking away our moral ground–MTC allegations, BYU abuse scandals, fake news about conversion therapy, etc. We keep the momentum going by taking back the moral high ground, which we certainly do have. A part of that is discrediting these media organizations by revealing them for the scum they are, but mostly it means offering proof of the positive affects of living the gospel and obeying the commandments.
14. Make Repentance Look Good – When people hear “repentance” they think of screaming preachers from Salem Massachusetts making everybody feel bad about themselves. The Book of Mormon gives us very brutal language about repentance. But something I’ve noticed is that repentance itself isn’t brutal in the scriptures, only the consequences of not repenting. Repentance itself is wonderful, it’s healing, it’s empowering. It’s nothing like the mortification that the apostate mainstream churches have practiced and our culture has gotten into our heads. Rather, popular culture and humanistic atheism which rules progressivism makes people feel bad about themselves and our repentance is what makes people feel good about themselves. We need to focus on the evils of sin and also show how the atonement and repentance saves us from that. Put it in real world terms that speak to what people are experiencing: how chastity and eternal marriage saves us from the plague of loneliness and sexual frustration that is rampant, how the word of wisdom and our ban on coffee saves us from the health plagues that destroy many people’s lives, etc. Make sure to always bring it back to repentance and the fact that Jesus Christ provides the grace for us to rise about any mistake that we make.
15. Outline A Personal Morality Structure – There are lots of mainstream Christians out there who point out important parts of a virtuous society and tips for getting on the right path. Jordan Peterson is one, though he doesn’t identify as Christian. But he does not outline the moral structure itself that lies as a foundation for the gospel. The Book of Mormon is filled with explanations for this structure, and we need to likewise outline this in our explanations–not just parts and pieces. Bring specific issues like chastity, marriage, and health back to the atonement of Jesus Christ and the justice of God.
16. Help People Feel – One big difference between us and most folks is that most people numb their feelings. They use alcohol, drugs, video games, and Netflix to numb the pain that naturally results from wicked behavior. We ourselves aren’t perfect and we feel plenty of awful negativity but we do not try to cover it up; rather we search those feelings to identify what the problem is. Sometimes this can be pretty excruciating for us. But I’ve noticed that a lot of people in the world miss feeling feelings. I’ve started using more emotive language in my social media texts and giving challenges to people to open up to uncomfortable feelings for the sake of progress.
17. Prove Religion Is Necessary For A Virtuous Society – One top reason the second Great Awakening in the United States was successful was because the Christian preachers made compelling arguments for why religious principles are necessary to make society virtuous. America was a fresh nation undergoing important changes and with simmering civil war brewing. Likewise today, massive changes are felt in the air and we all feel big events coming that will change everything, and people are thinking about how to make society virtuous for the sake of their children. We need to show that not only is the gospel successful at delivering this virtue in the people, but that nothing else will work. Kanye West’s turn to Christianity has been important for a lot of reasons, but one thing it does as missionary work is illustrate this principle. A lot of what he is talking about is how today’s Socialism and popular culture values try to replace religion but end up destroying people’s souls.
18. Prove Religion Is Permanence – The reason Antimormons have been hammering the narrative that our church changes doctrine is because the permanence of Christian religion is a major reason why it appeals to people. Years ago I started talking about the difference between doctrine and policy, and now I see this pushback being embraced by many defenders of the church, because they are starting to realize how important this is. It goes back to the immutability of God’s justice which is fundamentally different from the ephemeral constant shifting of social justice
19. Preach Millenialism – We feel silly talking about the imminent Millennium. That’s because our culture has carefully conditioned us to see people who talk about the “end of the world” as crazy extremists–dirty Westbro Baptist-types holding up hateful signs and screaming at people. This backlash against Millenialism, which used to be very common in America, has created a taboo so that religion people indeed go overboard and fall into this stereotype. “Preppers” are seen as suspicious and the anti-vaccination movement of Hollywood is blamed on Christians. But we need to be preppers, just like our pioneer ancestors were preppers. We need to talk about the end of the world, as we are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How often we forget about that last part! America is like 1 Nephi Chapter 1 where the inhabitants of Jerusalem get angry at anyone who dares suggest the city might collapse and turn a blind eye to the obvious dangers surrounding them. It is a relief when we as ministers bring up today’s dangers. People are sick of ignoring it, but they want solutions.
20. Create Art – America is currently in a void of art. Just a couple decades ago art was flourishing, but now there is almost no good cinema, paintings, music, or other art. I miss the days of the Single’s Ward and EFY albums. What happened to those days? Well, there are lots of great artists in the church, and the real challenge is getting their content to the audience. Big corporations have blacklisted us and if there is any hint that we are faithful saints they will kick us to the door. How many church members are allowed to record music albums or participate in movie making? What I pretty much see are apostates undermining the church. Let’s be honest here. I’ve heard Deseret Books is still pretty good, but I’ve still talked to brilliant artists and authors who can’t get published no matter where they go. This is where social media comes in. It is the new platform for getting content out there. The caution with this is not to give away too much free art, as some social media companies put provisions in their terms of use that make them the owner of anything you post.
21. Turn Hearts To Their Fathers – Reading D&C, you get a feel for how important that verse in Malachi about turning the hearts of the children to the fathers and fathers to the children is. Cross-generational communication becomes more taboo every day, and Antimormons try to drill this division into our society. Because the elderly have a lot of mentorship to offer younger generations, and that has always been a vital way to pass down classic wisdom. Somewhere along the line that vital method got broken and younger generations became lost. As far as social media goes, many old people of course have a hard time with new technology, but when they do a hang of it I’ve noticed they are awesome. They are wells of wisdom and I wish more were out there teaching us. But we’ve got to turn our hearts to them to make it happen. Secondly, this verse is talking about work for the dead in the temple and embracing the legacy of our ancestors. Antimormons harp on polygamy and the racial priesthood policy to divide us from our historical legacy, and we end up feeling ashamed about our past. This is terrible because we need that history. The millions of lost souls on the internet waiting for ministering likewise need their history. We can inspire them to receive the spirit of Malachi and seek out the wisdom of their forefathers and find their legacy.
22. Don’t Run Away From Conflict – It is a waste of time to get drawn into negative emotion and grind through flame wars. Sometimes I do it to find out Antimormon arguments and tactics. My theory is that there is value to listening to anyone, even those who are hostile because at least you will discover the strategies of the enemy. Sometimes I try different kinds of responses just to see which are more effective. But I do not expect any resolution from such arguments or to change anyone’s mind. I also keep in mind that there are lots of casual observers out there, and if all they see is Antimormon arguments going uncountered they will assume that these arguments must have merit. The important thing is to not assume the spirit of contention, because the spirit of contention is not of Christ. Yet, while meekness changes minds there is also a time to go on the offensive in these verbal attacks. This is why I embarked on my project to answer the CES Letter propaganda piece. I decided I was through ignoring Antimormon rhetoric which is damaging so many young people’s testimonies and I needed to do something about it. I decided not only to lift my shield and be defensive but go on the attack by showing the horrible things that result from Antimormonism. In the second great awakening of America, preachers went around talking about the social evils of factories and the new automated mill technologies, and this saved a lot of people from falling into vices that come with any sudden urbanization. Imagine if China had had such preachers? Well, the generators of social ills are more prevalent than ever and we need preachers to tell people about it. “Of course, we will face fear, experience ridicule, and meet opposition. Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. Courage becomes a living and an attractive virtue when it is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but also as a determination to live decently. A moral coward is one who is afraid to do what he thinks is right because others will disapprove or laugh. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well.” (Thomas S. Monson)
23. Stick To The Basics – It’s always tempting to bring up fringe ideas to answer people’s questions because the questions are framed differently than what we are used to in the church. Whenever I talk about Kolob or what some apostle said about the word of wisdom in the 19th century I find the results are always poor. Instead, I have learned to reframe the question that is suitable to answer it with basic principles that we would hear frequently at church. For example, when a Calvinist asks about predestination and whether we are fated to make choices, you could try to fit metaphysical ideas into gospel principles and quote Truman G. Madison, or you could bring it back to simple scriptures and go from there. It’s much easier to simply find a church reframe of the question. Most of what gets put on social media is just profane and vain babblings, and when we answer issues with the same frame as they are asked we are liable to become vain and profane too.
24. Don’t Bash Other Churches – It can be tempting to talk about the apostasy in the Catholic church when I see spirited Catholics lying about Latter-day Saints, but it is important not to stir up contention or tear down people’s faith. On my mission I quickly learned that my job is not to deconstruct people’s false faith but to introduce pure truth and allow them to sort it out for themselves. The worldly way and what I was indoctrinated at public school to do was to deconstruct people’s wrong ideas, but this is Satan’s tact, not Christ’s. In all of our preaching of social ills and the problems with socialism and popular culture, remember not to try to control people’s faith. If they choose to put faith in worldly ideologies that’s their choice. Don’t call someone an idiot for identifying as an atheist or try to pressure them to become Christian. Simply bear your testimony of what you know is true and let them control their own identity.
25. Be Brief – I know, all of my articles are like 30 pages long, but when it comes to social media it’s all about saying a lot in just a few words. Memes are just quick images that you can understand in less than a second of looking at them. With so many voices out there, people don’t have time to sit down and listen to a lengthy sermon. So pick your words carefully and make it short. Don’t copy other people. Memes and memetic culture is how the world and popular culture works. More and more people mindlessly copy other people’s beliefs and words. Make your words your own, know your testimony for yourself, and your ministry will be fulfilling for your soul in a way nothing else is.
If every active member found some time to pursue the mission of the church online, I think it would revolutionize the church to a measure that has never been seen in the history of the world, because we would be a torrent of voices with the potential to reach every ear on the planet. We are the innovators bringing about the next spiritual awakening, and this time it will sweep the entire world and prepare the people for the person coming and reign of Jesus Christ. We are the heralders of the salvation of Christ that lifts us up and heals us in a way nothing else does. We are the future and we invite others to be part of it.
See Also: Do’s & Don’ts Of Defending Your Beliefs